Monday, February 25, 2008

Get (Back) Into the Gap

Thank goodness The Gap has a new design head; Patrick Robinson.

OK OK if you don't know who I'm talking about, you may know what I'm talking about...Remember when you could get good casual basics from The Gap? Then all of a sudden (over the last 5 years) you couldn't? Hopefully that'll all change.

Vegetable colors? Navy and white? Shadow plaid? If you worked or bought anything from The Gap from the late 80s to the early 90s you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

Simonita says, "I think I need some khaki jodhpurs!"

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Leaving Las Vegas

Ok... So this is odd.. I just watched Leaving Las Vegas. You know, the Nicolas Cage and Elisabeth Shue movie. The one where he was starting to go bald and hadn't had his teeth capped yet. The one which was supposed to be Elisabeths Shue's breakout role? ( She'll always be Ali from the Karate Kid to me)....But I digress.

Emily Proctor plays an actress who has never handled guns before; and now she plays Calleigh Duquesne on CSI: Miami who happens to be a gun expert!

And the oddness really gets going when you see Mariska Hargitay who plays a hooker; and now she plays a detective on Law and Order: SVU

Simonita says, "I wonder who else from that film will show up on a TV crime drama?

Diane Lane

Is it me or is it wierd that some of Diane Lane's most successful movies all start with "Un"? Untraceable, Under the Tuscan Sun, Unfaithful.

Simonita says, "Hmm... How unusual."


Hello and welcome to Simonita Says. If you don't know what this blog is about don't worry, neither do I. This will be my gateway to the interweb world for the wacky, the odd, and the amazingly trivial things I think of.... Come on, you know you want to read what I've been thinking about!